{lang zh}乐手简介{/lang}{lang en}Meet The Musicians{/lang}

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{lang zh}《天弦》音乐作品简介{/lang}{lang en}Notes on Pieces{/lang}

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器樂合奏:①戒定真香 ②好一朵茉莉花



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HCTMG Orchestra

Precepts, Concentration and Wisdom in Incense: Impermanence, non-self, emptiness and pure state of mind mark Buddhist Zen wisdom and spiritual demeanor. The song was arranged by Mr. Fuquan Zhang, a Chinese Buddhist and court composer. The polyphonic texture describes the ethos of Chinese Buddhism’s transcendent attributes, its deep concern for mankind, and its exaltation of harmony with nature. Zhong (bell), Qing (chime), Naobo (cymbals) and other instruments combine to create a solemn atmosphere, which spontaneously warm and brighten the audience’s heart like sunlight from the ten directions, and people’s bodies, hearts, and minds attain a state of completeness and peace.


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古筝与箫:①禪院鐘聲 ②大悲咒


女聲獨唱:①貴妃賞月 ②梨花頌












器樂合奏:①清淨法身佛 ②胡舞亂旋



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Jasmine Flower, adapted from a Jiangsu folk song, expresses the delicate emotion between men and women. This song has already become a “business card” of China to the world.

Gozheng Solo

A Moonlit Night on the Vernal River: The title of this piece was inspired by the poem of the same name by Tang Dynasty poet Ruoxu Zhang. He describes a beautiful moonlit scene and meditates on the transience of human existence, loss and separation. Both the original poem, considered one of the most perfect poems of the Tang Dynasty, and the melody, are very famous throughout China. The piece paints a tranquil scene of a river on a moonlit night in spring, reminiscent of the countryside south of the Yangtze River.


Erhu Duet

Slow Three-Six: The Jiangnan musical tradition, named for the silk and bamboo of its string and wind instruments, originated in the region south of the Yangtze River. At the core of the repertoire are the Eight Great Pieces based on old melodies, such as “Old Six Beats,” which are ornamented to create new pieces like “Slow Three-Six.” It is easy to hear the influence of the passing clouds and flowing water of the landscape.


Flute Solo

Autumn Recollection tells the grief and loneliness of heroine Zhaojun Wang, who left her hometown behind for a marriage thousands of miles away. Wang, famed as one of the Four Beauties of ancient China, lived the story of a “political bride;” she was sent by Emperor Yuan to marry the ethnic minority leader north of China in order to establish friendly relations. This Dizi solo sings out the endless desolation and loneliness of the desert on Wang’s way to the north.

Guzheng-Xiao Duet

The Sound of Temple Bells: The popularity of this Guangdong folk piece has endured since the 1940s. Bells have a special significance for Buddhists everywhere. They are rung for the beauty of their tone and to celebrate special ceremonies throughout the year. Within the echoing melody, one feels the peace of the temple, tucked away from the chaotic world beyond.

The Great Compassion Mantra: Mantras are recited to invoke the gods, and the Great Compassion Mantra is synonymous with the goddess Guanyin. The mantra is often recited for protection, to cleanse the mind and to purify the soul. It is said that some select few, upon hearing this music from heaven while meditating, transcribed the notes for the rest of us. For those who recite and uphold the phrases of the Great Compassion Mantra, all the Buddhas from the ten directions will come to lead them to rebirth in whatever Nirvana they wish.


Selected Peking Opera Pieces

Enjoying the Moon and Pear Flower Appreciation, selected segments from the Peking Opera “Imperial Consort of Tang Dynasty,” describe the life of Imperial Consort Yang. Beautiful and talented, Yang was loved by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. His indulgence distracted him from state affairs and led to the dynasty’s eventual decline from prosperity. Yang would pay with her life. Soprano Xiaomei Yu, regarded as the golden throat of the southern U.S., displays her solid vocal color in this performance.


Gaohu Guzheng Trio

Spring has Come: Composed by Yusheng Lei in 1956, this song won the gold medal in the folk music competition of the Sixth World Youth Festival the following year. Its melody is based on the Fujian folk song, “Tea-picking,” and this version pays full homage to the cheerful mood of the original song. Various voices, melodic development techniques, clever orchestration and complex harmonies paint a vivid image of the gurgling spring, flowers, and the people’s joy in the spring sunshine.

Pipa Solo

New Variation of Tang Dynasty Liuyao Dance: This Pipa solo was arranged according to an ancient poem, “Liuyao,” that describes lissome dancers gracefully performing in the imperial court. The composer adopted the traditional Chinese music scale and the characteristics of Gagaku, meaning “elegant music.” After the rubato at the beginning, the dancing rhythm starts slowly and climaxes to a fiery state, creating the image of lyrical dancing performances in the ancient court. This musical composition has won numerous awards in Asia.


Erhu-Cello-Flute Ensemble

Fantasy Behind a Pearl Curtain is an ensemble of erhu, cello and flute, adapted from a Chinese pop song of the same name, and constitutes a dialogue between a two-stringed and a four-stringed instrument. Accompanied occasionally by bamboo flute, they create sounds of nature, like drizzling rain, scents of orchids and an ephemeral glow that give the audience an unforgettable spiritual experience.

Bawu Solo

Fishing Song, arranged from folk songs of ethnic groups from southwest China, vividly describes the locals’ excitement for their fishing life.

Erhu Solo

Fire: The Girl Wearing a Colorful Coat pays a tribute to fire, a symbol of unconquerable human sprit and the power of illumination. The vivacious rhythm can be interpreted as deep thoughts generated while meditating by a bonfire, or as a tribute to the might of the illumination that produced human civilization.
This piece, selected from an eight-episode divertimento The Flame of Seeds, explains Buddhism’s cognition about the universe, constituted by earth, water, fire, wind, air, sight, and consciousness. All seven factors interact to compose the normalized truth Tathagatagarbha (Buddha nature) and the lofty realm of “truth and beauty.” The composer, Wenjin Liu, was inspired by an award-winning novel, which fused together the language of poetry and prose to describe a beautiful and moving story.

HCTMG Orchestra

The Pure Dharmakaya Buddha: With a distinctive personality and artistic appeal, this piece features a number of characteristics common to Buddhist music. It translates an idea into a narrative musical expression, conveying the character and ethos of the Chinese Buddhist culture. The way of the Dharma teaches that we may, by our own effort, do away with ignorance and delusion, and by so doing we will become enlightened both within and without, and our true nature within our Essence of Mind will manifest itself.

Never-ending Whirling Dance: The whirling dances, seen on the wall paintings in the remote Dunhuang Caves, have been described by the famous Tang Dynasty poet Juyi Bai:

Wild whirling girls, wild whirling girls—
Their hearts answer to the strings,
Their hands answer to the drums.
At the sound of
the strings and drums, they raise their arms,

Like swirling snowflakes tossed about, they turn in their twirling dance,
Whirling to the left, turning to the right, they never feel exhausted,
A thousand rounds, ten thousand circuits—it never seems to end.




{lang en}

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{lang zh} 

1,开幕曲:器樂合奏:①戒定真香                                          張福全     (7.00)

                                    好一朵茉莉花                                  朱昌耀     (6.00)

                                             二胡獨奏:許瑞慶     中華民樂團演奏    指揮:張新


2古箏獨奏:春江花月夜                                                   · 张若虚     (8.30)



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3,二胡重奏:慢三六                                                                沈鳳泉     (7.00)



4笛子獨奏:妝台秋思                                                                               (6.30)


5古筝与箫:①禪院鐘聲                                                          崔蔚林     (6.30)



6,女聲獨唱:①貴妃賞月   梨花頌                                  楊乃林     (5.00/5.00)

    中華民樂團伴奏    指揮:張新


7鋼琴獨奏《陽關三叠》                                                          黎英海      (5.00)


8,琵琶獨奏:新翻羽調綠腰                                                      楊潔明     (9.00)


9一簾幽夢                                                                                                  (4.00)

                               二胡:許瑞慶   大提琴:張淑娟    古箏:李小葉   笛子:閆亦修

10巴烏獨奏:漁歌                                                                    严铁民     (5.00)

                                  獨奏:楊萬青   伴奏:張淑娟   王竹夕   宫蔚   張新    酈澤泉


11,二胡獨奏:火——彩衣姑娘                                                劉文金     (7.30)

                                                                                   二胡:張新    鋼琴:狄子楓


12,闭幕曲:器樂合奏:①清淨法身佛                                       張福全     (6.00)

                                      胡舞亂旋                         鮑比達       張新編配  (6.00)  

                                                                                   中華民樂團演奏    指揮:張新


