{lang zh}《天弦》庆功聚会照片{/lang}{lang en}Celebration Party for a successful Concert{/lang}
{gallery}20120526 HCTMG Party{/gallery}.
{gallery}20120526 HCTMG Party{/gallery}.
{gallery}20120519 Heavens Melody - Extra{/gallery}.
{gallery}20120519 Heavens Melody - Web{/gallery}
{lang zh} 休士顿纪事报 5月19日报纸刊登消息介绍将于本周六下午7:00 在玉佛寺举行举行的《天弦》音乐会 {/lang} {lang en} Houston Chronicle May 17th newspaper publishes a news article announcing the upcomnig HCTMG Concert Heaven’s Melody at Jade Buddha Temple this Saturday 7:00 PM {/lang}
A group of Chinese musicians in Houston will perform thousand-year-old Buddhist hymns and Chinese folk tunes this weekend at the Jade Buddha Temple, located in the Chinatown area of Alief.
“Heaven’s Melody: A Celebration of Buddhist Culture,” the spring concert for the Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group, serves as both entertainment and spirituality, as the music aims to help listeners purify their minds, along with the teachings of Buddhism. Their sound combines a Chinese-style bell, drum, flute, violin, lute and zither with western cello and piano.
{lang zh}世界名人网 5月15日刊发了艺术总监张新先生的文章《嘆仙律神韻 尋夢幻人文》介绍即将本民乐团即将献出的一佛教文化音乐为主题的《天弦》春季音乐会。{/lang}
{lang en}May 15, 2012, FameHall.biz published a new article by Mr. Zhang Xin, HCTMG’s Artistic Director , titled “Melodies from Heaven, Dreams on Earth“, introducing the upcoming Heaven’s Melogy Concert presented by HCTMG and Jade Budha Temple{/lang}
{lang zh}CulterMap Houston 网站近日发布: 休士顿民乐团将呈献《天弦》音乐会{/lang}
{lang en}CulterMap Houston recently posted HCTMG’s Spring Concert Heaven’s Medoly on its Event Calendar{/lang}
“Heaven’s Melody: Celebration of Buddhist Culture” presents the essence of Buddhist culture by playing famous hymns that enable listeners to explore deep feelings. Musical pieces like Precepts Concentration and Wisdom In Incense, Purifying Body of Budda and Temple’s Bell Soundhave been played for thousands of years and were recently arranged by famous modern composers including Wenjin Liu and Fuquan Zhang. Characterized by being soft, but not weak; pure, but not dry; still, but not sluggish; these tunes are said to be able to purify listeners’ minds.
In addition to Buddhist music, the concert encapsulates the finest Chinese folk music including Here Comes Spring, Never-ending Swirling Dance andSpring River. Some works describe the fieriest ethnic dances while others depict translucent rivers and beautiful country scenes.
The concert consists of solos, concertos and ensembles performed by 30 traditional Chinese instruments including guzheng, pipa, erhu and dizi — the Chinese versions of zither, lute, violin and flute, respectively — as well as western instruments like cello and piano.
Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group’s director, Xin Zhang, used to play in China’s army band and was also a music critic. Yang Wang, a Houston journalist and the group’s guzheng soloist, will be the master of ceremony.
{lang zh} 世界名人网4月14日讯: 由休斯頓中華民樂團主辦,德州佛教會玉佛寺,休斯頓國劇社協辦的2012春季大型民族音樂會,將於5月19日隆重推出。為配合這場公演和對社會各界的宣傳,中華民樂團與玉佛寺於4月14日午後兩點,在玉佛寺舉辦《天弦》音樂會新聞發布會。世界名人网总编辑王福生和美南电视主播胡畅等與會共襄盛舉。{/lang}
{lang en}famehall.biz(14 April): Houston Chinese Traditional Music Group (HCTMG) will present a 2012 Spring Concert, themed Heaven’s Melody – celebration of Buddhist Culture, cosponsored by Texas Budhist Association / Jade Buddha Temple and Chinese Opera Club of Houston (COCH). This cultural event is accounced on 14 April afternonn in a press conference held by HCTMG at Jade Buddha Temple, FameHall’s editor in chief, Mr. Fusheng Wang and iTV Houston’s anchor Ms. Chang Hu are among the news media personnel attending the conference.{/lang}